Why choose Kiry Pet

Taking care of your four-legged friend does not just mean feeding him, cuddling him, spoiling him but it is important that these things are done in the correct way, respecting his natural predisposition.
It is important to check that the treats we offer him every day are free of artificial substances (colourings, additives, appetizers) which over time can alter his health, and that the products with which we take care of his hygiene are free of chemical additives and/or perfumes (certainly pleasant for us but irritating for his sensitive sense of smell), that the games with which he has fun are designed so that they have the minimum environmental impact, it is essential to take note that it is not always necessary to resort to drugs when Sometimes (always relying on the opinion of your veterinarian) remedies based on natural substances may be enough to cure or prevent small ailments that our puppy may inevitably and above all encounter as the years go by.
Kiry Pet selects the best producers, choosing them on the basis of the company's philosophy and the quality of their products, ensuring that they are in line with the principles listed above to guarantee you the security of being able to take care of your best friend, respecting his demands, his particularities and his natural prerogatives.
Kiry Pet helps you keep him healthy and happy, gratifying him by increasing his joy and fun, which are very important for
his psychophysical well-being. 
Let us remember that loving him means first of all respecting and protecting him.
In memory of Kiry

The Kiry Pet Box: Every Month a New Arrival of Natural Surprises

Do you want to make your pet's care experience even easier and more convenient? Sign up for our monthly Kiry Pet box! Each month, you'll receive a curated selection of natural, sustainable products, delivered straight to your door. From nutritious treats to practical accessories, the Kiry Pet playpen is the perfect way to ensure your pet lives a happy and healthy life.

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Explore Our Catalogue

Discover our online catalog and find everything your pet needs to live at its best. From organic foods to eco-friendly bowls, from natural hygiene products to interactive toys, we have everything you need to pamper your furry friend. Only the best brands including:

  • Alley

  • Dolcimpronte

  • Farm Company

  • P.L.A.Y.

  • King Catnip